All Live Music times are changing for the season. Acoustic will now be 6pm-9pm. Back room doors open at 9pm for pool and hanging out before bands/DJs at 10pm

Entertainment & Specials

View us on Facebook for current event info!

Coors Banquet special the Woodside Bar and Grill in Johnstown, PA
Angry Orchard special at Woodside Bar and Grill in Johnstown PA
Happy Thursday special at Woodside Bar and Grill in Johnstown, PA
Collage Night Holla Special at Woodside Bar and Grill in Johnstown PA
Coors light special at Woodside Bar and Grille in Johnstown, PA
Shiner Bock special at Woodside Bar and grill in Johnstown, PA
Corona special at Woodside Bar and Grill in Johnstown, PA


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Woodside Bar & Grill Awards

Woodside Bar & Grill is an award-winning restaurant!
Best Bartender and Best Place to Hear Live Music

Johnstown Best of the Best award for Woodside Bar and Grill located in Johnstown, PA